New Harvest


The tomatoes seem to start with a trickle and then progress into a downpour. These are the first; they will sell out quickly and more is yet to come. Assorted cherry tomatoes: $5 per 12-ounce pint. All other tomatoes currently available (not all varieties are ready yet), $3 per pound.

Our Persian cucumber harvest is growing stronger; they are $3 per pound. No lemon cucumbers yet.

Beets are harvesting well; $2 per pound.

The garden beans that the July heatwave tried to defeat are making a comeback: $2 per 8 ounces. More beans are on the way…we expect to have yardlong beans soon.

Greens include sweet potato greens, lamb’s quarters (quelites), New Zealand spinach (taste and texture like purslane/verdolagas), lemony sorrel, and Swiss chard. We love greens: put them in soups, stews, stir-fries, pastas, casseroles, enchiladas, with beans, with eggs.

Herbs picked to order: basil, parsley, onion chives, garlic chives, sage, thyme, oregano, and more…

We still have black currant jam and celtuce pickles. More preserved foods will come as the harvest continues.

Our sourdough bread for Saturday Mornings on Becker Avenue is green chile and cheese. These 8 loaves are your last chance for sourdough until the killing frost (Octoberish) ends our harvest season. We simply do not have the time or space to bake when every horizontal surface in our house is covered with tomatoes. After the growing season, we will be baking a lot more; stay tuned.

Our direct from farm sales are Tuesday-Thursday, 9am-5pm. 14 Gonzales Rd, Belen. 505-302-5657. Please park in our driveway and ring our doorbell for service (it buzzes our phones).